Julia de Wolf Addison
Aus frauenwiki-dresden
(24. Februar 1866 Boston - 1952)
Julia de Wolf Addison (Mrs. D.D.) war eine amerikanische Kunsthistorikerin. Sie lebte in Brookline und schrieb "The art of the Dresden Gallery".
"A craft may easily be practised without art, and still serve its purpose; the alliance of the two is a means of giving pleasure as well as serving utility. But it is a mistake to suppose that because a design is artistic, its technical rendering is any the less important. Frequently curious articles are palmed off on us, and designated as "Arts and Crafts" ornaments, in which neither art nor craft plays its full share." (Electronic Library - read the book)
- Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages - A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
- The Spell of England, Boston, L. C. Page & Company. 1912
- The Art of the National Gallery
1905, George Bell & Sons
- Florestane the Troubadour: A Mediaeval Romance of Southern France
- The art of the Pitti palace : with a short history of the building and its owners
- THIEME, Ulrich und BECKER, Felix: Allg. Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler, Leipzig o.J.
Spielend das Patriarchat bekämpfen? Das ist seit heute möglich mit dem druckfrischen Kartenspiel PATRIA(R)CIAO. Das Spiel beruht auf einem Zeitzeuginnen*-Projekt des Frauenstadtarchivs Dresden